Es ist wieder X Games Real Wake Time, die neue Auflage ist online und ihr könnt abstimmen. 2018 sind mit Felix Georgii, Alex Graydon, Steel Lafferty, Guenther Oka, Brenton Priesley und Aaron Rathy wieder 6 mega coole Jungs angetreten um mit einem Clip das X Games Gold zu holen.
Vote auf für dein Lieblingsvideo und unterstütze so Deinen Hero.

11.9. 8:00 Uhr
Die Teams haben wieder alles gegeben und sechs Clips produziert nicht nicht nur mega sind, sie sind der Hammer. Jeder wird seinen Favoriten finden, da sie zwar alle qualitativ herausragend, jedoch von Location und Herangehensweise völlig unterschiedlich. Ob Winch, System oder am Boot, sucht euren Favoriten und checkt selbst aus wer eure Stimme bekommen soll!
Real Wake von MasterCraft, der Wakeboard-Video-Wettbewerb von X Games. Vote auf für dein Lieblingsvideo und unterstütze so Deinen Hero.
You're allowed one vote per browser, per 24-period. Voting ends at 9 am ET, Monday Sept. 18 Am
Felix Georgii | Film & Edit by Steffen Vollert Credit: Mathis
Age: 24 | Goofy | Hometown: Allgäu, Germany | Most recent video part: Andy Kolb's "The Debut" | Cover shot, Alliance Wake Magazine | Filmer: Steffen Vollert
Alex Graydon | Film & Edit by Joey Arcisz Credit: Mathis
Age: 27 | Regular | Hometown: Lake Martin, Alabama | Most recent video part: Ambush Board Co.'s "Ala-Cruzin" | Cover, Alliance Wake Magazine, May 2017 | Filmer: Joey Arcisz
Steel Lafferty | Film & Edit by Wes Williams Credit: Soden
Age: 25 | Goofy | Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, Florida | Most recent web series: Red Bull Media House's "WakeCation" | Winner, 2015 Malibu Evolution Pro Series | Filmer: Wes Williams
Guenther Oka | Film & Edit by Zach Scheffer Credit: Hightower
Age: 19 | Goofy | Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio | Most recent web video: Taylor Hanley's "Day 10" | Features Only and Traditional Wake Park overall champ, 2016 WWA Wake Park World Series | Filmer: Zach Scheffer
Brenton Priestley | Film & Edit by Trevor Bashir Credit: Rudledge
Age: 28 | Regular | Hometown: Orlando, Florida | Most recent web series: "That's Livin" | Real Wake 2016 gold medalist | Filmer: Trevor Bashir
Aaron Rathy | Film & Edit by Taylor Hanley Credit: Dylan Miller
Age: 29 | Regular | Hometown: Nanaimo, British Columbia | Most recent video part: Rockstar Energy's "Purple Hazed" | 2015 Alliance Wake Rider of the Year | Filmer: Taylor Hanley
Mit den 3 Judges Park Bonify, Brian Grubb und Tom Fooshee hat jeder seine eigene Vorstellung und setzt hier die Big Points.
Judge Parks Bonify
"Trick difficulty weighs heavy in this type of video format, as does trick innovation," says professional wakeboarder Parks Bonifay on what he's looking for in a winning edit. "Whether it's doing what has never been done or doing an old easy trick differently, trick innovation is key.The last two Real Wake winners have mastered this creative use of terrain aspect perfectly. This the real grind of filming these sections. And finally, being that this is a video format contest, editing weighs heavy, from music selection to trick selection and overall feel of the video."
Judge Brian Grubb
"I want to see riding I've never seen before, or an approach to riding that is unique and fresh," says professional wake skater and WWA World Wakeboard Series head judge Brian Grubb on what he's looking for in a winning video part. "The editing, music and overall feel of the entire section is also a major factor for me. After I watch the part I want to feel like watching it again."
Judge Tom Fooshee:
"I am looking for an edit that really displays a rider's creativity, technicality, risk, difficulty, intensity, versatility, variety, and execution -- not only with the tricks he does, but the spots and locations that he rides in," explains wake park World Champion and WWA judge Tom Fooshee on how he's going to judge this year's contest. "Did the rider build anything distinct and original for their park hits? Did they do their research and find an impactful and ideal winch spot? Did they bring the highest level of innovation and difficulty in their boat wake hits? I am also looking for a great edit that flows well, and has a great song that matches the rider's style and edit. Filming will also have an impact, as I am looking for angles and other techniques that really show how hairy and difficult the trick or spot might be."
Real Wake von MasterCraft, der Wakeboard-Video-Wettbewerb von X Games. Vote unter für dein Lieblingsvideo und unterstütze so deinen Hero.
You're allowed one vote per browser, per 24-period. Voting ends at 9 am ET, Monday Sept. 18 Am
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Text: GF Bilder & Videos: X Games |